Movies, books...whatever else
Everyone is a critic. But everyone judges things differently, (obviously) and only you can determine for sure if something is good or not. For me, a lot factors into what I like and don't like. Two points are most important to me.
One, does anything in the book or film stay with me afterwards? It can be the worst overall but if there's even one scene or character I'm still thinking about later, then it's wasn't a total waste (of time, money, emotion). If I'm still thinking about it later, then something about it touched me. This is why I invest the time and money into such things. To be touched, to escape my own reality, to be entertained. If I can relate to anything, or imagine it further, feel something for it or against it -- redemption found.
Two, in the case of movies, would I watch it again, or was it a total waste of my time? It doesn't have to be the best movie ever made. Or even my favorite, (which changes often based on my mood, as with everything) but it has to have some substance. If I would watch it again, then it's worth the time.
With this blog, don't expect any major plot or technical details or spoilers. This is more an in general opinion about some of the movies I've seen, books I've read, and products I've tried.
I’ll be adding more as time allows. Maybe this can be of some use. For me at least, it will be a reminder. I've watched so many movies it's hard to remember what’s what. And every time I make a book list, at some point I stop updating it so inevitably I end up buying one I already have. Oops!
In any case, I hope you enjoy your visit. Thanks for stopping by.
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