
Bridget Jones's Diary

Bridget Jones's Diary, by Helen FieldingJust finished reading Bridget Jones's Diary and am starting the next installment The Edge of Reason. Loved this book. Have to watch the movie now (again). This is something that happens when the movie is already out and I'm not quite ready to give up the story even though I've finished the book. Luckily there is a movie (seeing it made me want to read the book in the first place). The next Bridget Jones movie isn't out until sometime next year (oh no!).

For now I've adopted a sort of Bridget-speak in my head. Sort of a Brit shorthand, like the diary entries. (must shag...ha, I wish; cigarettes, too many, vb, alcohol units 0, vg, sleep, 0, must sleep!)

I hope this second book is as good as the first. The first had some actual laugh-out-loud moments and for me that's rare. The only thing I didn't like was the quick end. All the workup to reach this specific goal (boyfriend! hah!) and it's just kind of quickly stated and that's that. Awww. Don't like that it had to end either but "all good things"...well, you know the saying.

Update: Bridget Jones, The Edge of Reason (movie) Nov. 19th release! (USA)
Cool! You can see some (pictures & diary entry) scenes (this means spoilers, so beware!) from the movie here.


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