A strange tale, with varying opinions about the point. (suicide is pointless, suicide is your only escape, etc.) Take from it what you will, but this one sure stayed with me. Everyone has a "dysfunctional family" tale (if you don't, lucky you!), but this is to the extreme. A movie that makes me want to read the
book, but even if I don't, it stands alone. The most prevalent feeling was 'desire.' For the sister, maybe they longed for freedom, or love, or attention. For their parents, some understanding, an explanation. For those of us watching the movie, some answers! This one leaves a lot of unanswered questions, by design of the author no doubt. But as the narrative implies, there aren't any to be found. Only speculation based on personal effects that remain, and of the assumptions of those boys who knew them. What little they knew. Intriguing to say the least.
I love books like that too....ones that keep you in their world even when you've reached the end. Never want the really good ones to end.
One of my favorite movies. Sofia Coppola is amazing...
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