
The Village

The Village Many reviews compare M. Night Shyamalan's The Village with The Sixth Sense. I think each of his movies should stand alone. So far, in my opinion, they've all been pretty good. The Village is no exception. You may see what's coming (as they say), but I think that's by design. Rather cleverly paced with the right information given at the right time, this story may or may not keep you guessing. Is it supposed to? Maybe not. Perhaps that's not the point. It might make you appreciate a kind of life lived in simpler times. Where modern day threats were not typically an issue. Where one felt safe in their community so long as they followed the rules.

I found this very intriguing, and very entertaining. It's also somewhat sad. Such incredible sacrifices made. What drastic measures taken to live a pure, somewhat free existence. Brilliant. But with a price, as everything is. I'd definitely see this again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I think M Night is a con, a rich con but a con. The Village was one of the most derivative poorest films I've ever seen. He was successfully sued for plagerism, the book stolen was intended for under 12's.

4:56 PM  
Blogger mojo shivers said...

I, too, liked The Village. In my opinion, I think it's much better than Unbreakable and almost on par with Signs and The Sixth Sense. I think that too many people make a big deal about the twist and how disappointing it was and how predictable it was. They ignore that Mr. Shaymalan has a gift for story and for making his stories exciting without relying too much on big overblown action scenes. He makes suspense and pacing work for him in ways many other directors only dream about. I think the movie is far, far better than many critics and moviegoers give it credit.

7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Movie.

6:00 PM  
Blogger frstlymil said...

Yay! Someone who thinks the way I do about his films. Each stands on its own and is truly original. The problem is that everyone appears to want to see something derivative of the first work and compare to that, when it's like apples and oranges. I enjoyed the Village on its own. Thanks!

6:56 PM  

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