
Two underrated movies

Copycat If you like suspense, mystery, a good story, and for the most part, good acting, then these two movies are a good choice. What I like about Copycat (besides Sigourney Weaver) is how it seems to come full circle. It feels complete to me. It starts at the beginning, doesn't backtrack with flashbacks or start in the middle and leave you wondering what's going on. You're able to follow along and not get distracted by unnecessary gore (sure there is some, but not much). It's a psychological thriller, and I like that much better than the slash and dash type of movies. It makes you think and allows you to try and figure out what the outcome will be. Sure, you expect the star to live, but it's not always a given. The ending kind of hints at a sequel but as far as I know, there isn't one. If they can make one as good as the first, I think it would do well (at least those who enjoyed this one, might see the second). It's rather interesting to see Harry Connick Jr. play a serial killer. He's pretty creepy.

Trapped, while not the best example of acting by Kevin BaconTrapped, it proves to be the opposite for Charlize Theron. A kidnapping for ransom that has a bit more going on. Once again I am very impressed with young actress Dakota Fanning. There are some suspenseful and clever moments and a few ridiculous ones. But the emotion is what does it for me. A not so typical family responding to a terrible situation in a less than typical way. They don't just take it even though the circumstances require their submission to the events taking place. Sure, there's a happy ending, and I like those, but for a while you're not really sure if that's how it's going to work out. Some mystery. Some time to wonder and worry. I like that too.

These were on tv this weekend and I couldn't help but watch them both, twice. I just like good drama even if what I really need at the moment is a good comedy. Somehow, Ace Ventura, which was also on this weekend, just doesn't do it for me.


Blogger Dawn said...

I liked both of them, copycat freaked me out. Have you seen Death and the maiden (i think that is the title) with Weaver? That is a good psycological thriller as well.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also saw and really liked Copy Cat, although it did freak me out. I haven't seen Trapped but wanted to when I saw the ads for it, I'll have to add it to my NetFlix queue right now.


2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also saw and really liked Copy Cat, although it did freak me out. I haven't seen Trapped but wanted to when I saw the ads for it, I'll have to add it to my NetFlix queue right now.


2:02 PM  
Blogger Stephie said...

Hm.. haven't seen Death and the Maiden... the description looks good though... if I come across it I'll check it out. (never saw this at the video store and it hasn't been on tv as far as I know..)something to look for. Thanks for the recommendation.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Copycat is a great movie! I had never seen Trapped but watched it for the first time last weekend. Another good one but, then again, when are Kevin Bacon and Dakota Fanning not good? I'm with you on Ace Ventura, too. It does nothing for me.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Trapped was a very good movie. It was one of those that I was channel surfing and ran across it. It was well worth my stop.

1:20 PM  

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