
View from the Top

View from the TopI liked this movie. But was disappointed by some aspects of it. Was it meant to be an amusing nudge at airline attendants and how the average person perceives them? Or a romantic comedy that pits a woman's career and life ambitions against her heart?

It tried to be both. Mike Myers' character, to me, brought the film down to spoof level. While Candice Bergen's character added heart and hope and a little bit of quirkiness. They really should've made up their minds before setting out to film this one.

Despite some ridiculous events (like Christina Applegate's character fighting with Gwyneth Paltrow's character, right there in the first class cabin, when she had no business being there and especially these days, she couldn't have made back there considering the circumstances....totally ridiculous) there were some good aspects to this movie. The cameos for instance. Rob Lowe, Kelly Preston, short but notable.

The romantic part of the story was sweet. And there's a nice little twist at the end. Not a believable one mind you, but still, it made for a good ending. And I like happy endings. So all in all, this was pretty good (decent story, amusing events, nice ending). I'd see it again.


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