I haven't been into horror movies for years. I make a point of trying to avoid them because the imagery haunts me later. I know it's fake, but that doesn't matter. In this movie, there are no gory scenes. Not one. There is silence...echoing, mysterious, terrifying silence. And intrigue, and incredible suspense. It keeps you guessing right to the end, and while watching and waiting, you get the impression that something terrible (or wonderful) can happen. There's no background score to drown out the lack of sound. I saw this one in the theater, and was literally shaking in fear (and was tremendously relieved when it was over and I could release that pent up anxiety some other way). I can't remember a single movie that caused this kind of fear. The story was very good, but the way it was presented, was just incredible. It's something I really want to see again, but haven't been able to work up the nerve to. It's just too scary!
We must have been watching a differnet film, coz I thought this film blew..... Sorry to disagree....
I must have watched a different film too, coz I thought the film sucked bigtime. Maybe I'm in a minority.
I agree with you totally. I loved it. But it seems that people either love or hate M. Night Shyamalan's movies. There's no middle ground or thinking it's just okay. So that might explain the other comments left.
I actually enjoyed it too. I'm not a horror/whatever type of movie-goer, but this one was good.
My babe and I are big Sci-Fi fans but that movie Signs SUCKED. What a disappointment. The only good thing is we somehow missed seeing it at the theator, so our loss was minimal.
Signs is the scariest movie I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of movies. In fact it scares me so much that I've probably viewed just 5 minutes of it while listening to the rest lol. I saw Aliens when I was about 6/7 and since then any alien type movie has scared the bejesus out of me.
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