
The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly EffectThis was good, but depressing. If you could go back and change something in your past, would you? Things go from bad to worse when the main character (Evan) does this. Each reality ends up being worse than the previous one. And for a moment (when one particularly horrific reality came crashing back), I was glad this wasn't something I could do (especially with those results). Always wished I could change what went wrong and make it all work out. But maybe the consequences aren't worth it. In the end, for Evan, giving up what he wanted the most was the only way to make things right.

Maybe that's meant to be a moral for the rest of us. Hopefully not. Desire is one of the things that keeps up going. Unfortunately, so is pain. Perhaps the sacrifice is meant to prove we can still survive without something so important. Maybe. This was a depressing movie, but definitely interesting.


Blogger weenie said...

I missed this when it was showing in the cinema...may get this on dvd - cheers for the review!

12:24 PM  
Blogger JoanneMarie Faust said...

Did you watch the director's cut ending. Talk about depressing. Who ever heard of a fetus committing suicide. Yeesh!

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ecrit par le scénariste de "Destination Finale 2", L'effet papillon est un film extraordinaire, La thérorie du Chaos etait quelque chose de tellement fantastique et très difficile à exploiter sur une oeuvre cinématographique. Mais il a su éviter le baclage hollywoodien et on assiste à 1h50 de grand cinéma! Un scénario à multiples rebondissements, une musique envoutante et des acteurs tous aussi touchant les uns que les autres.
L'interprétation de Ashton Kutcher surprend dans ce rôle serieux, inhabituel pour lui, il est loin de ses rôles dans That 70's Show ou encore "Dude, where is my car?".
Plus qu'un film, une expérience à savourer sans aucunes modérations! Les personnages sont interchangeables au fur et à mesure des bouleversements de la Théorie du Chaos.
On en conclus donc que chaques instants de notre petite vie peut conditionner notre futur irréversiblement...

3:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This was an excellant film. After seeing it in the cinema I was disappointed by the different ending on the dvd. If you wanna watch this film then try to watch the dvd alternative ending. It was much better!

6:33 PM  

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