This takes place in the town of Sheffield, England. It's a bit dark and sad, with the major (steel) industry no longer providing jobs for the people in town. A lot of them are out of work, facing hard times. Some imaginative men, led by one in particular, come up with an idea how to make some money (and for some, save their relationships with their families, and regain self-esteem). It's not your typical hard knocks movie. There are some great (non-tourist) views of England, and those great Brit accents and slang. This movie has some very funny moments despite the depressing theme (unemployment, and the hardships of it). Not to mention some skin; it's not called "the full monty" for nothing.
Any man can be sexy, it doesn't take a Chippendale. Most women know this. Maybe now, some men will too.
One of my favorite movies. :)
I love this movie!!! I think the depressing nature of the movie is offset by how much good these guys bring into each others lives and how loved they are. I see it as more of a "feel good" movie.
Of course, it started a great debate at the time - could we northern men actually be the new Hollywood heart throbs?
Well, it didn't happen of course, and being men of few words (As yorkshire men suposedly are) the debate didn't last long.
Since you're a fan of film, you might be interested in other Yorkshire-based offerings, such as "Kes", "When Saturday Comes" "Billy Elliot" and "Brassed Off." (The latter is just about as feel-good as you're likely to find!
Alternatively, I can look out of my window and see the drama first hand every day! :)
I really loved this movie! When people get into a tight corner, they will do what has to be done. These guys were smart and innovative in their approach to life! More people should be like them!
Gotta agree with David here, as a fellow Yorkshireman too, the Full Monty and it's story can often be seen in general everyday life here in God's Country!
Its a great movie and I wouldnt agree that its depressing, it uses the blacker side of life as a backdrop to highlight the boyancy of the human spirit, I suppose rather like Billy Elliot, another great feelgood movie. You are uplifted after watching it.
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