What A Girl Wants
I knew before I watched this that it would be corny. No surprises here. Why is it in almost every movie of this type, the foreigner always makes friends immediately with a member of the opposite sex? (local + foreigner, add {rain} water, stir = instant relationship!) And wait a minute...a flight from New York to London with no jet lag, looking absolutely rested and refreshed? Oh wait.....*it's a movie*! Yea. Ok (and she's "17" so I guess that factors in too. Oh, to be young.)
It's actually a cute cookie-cutter story with the typical happy ending. One funny line, "No hugs dear. I'm British. We only show affection to dogs and horses," was pretty amusing (though dryly delivered). I like seeing foreign places and particularly hearing British accents (for some reason). Colin Firth plays the perfect straight man. I wonder if he's like that in real life, or just good at being that way in movies. Surprisingly, he does cut loose a bit in this, and is a riot doing so. Basically, this is a sweet and fun little escape from reality. If you're looking for one.
Such romantic fantasies only happen in the movies with annoying cliches. Just watch it for fun.
There are no more great films these days.
They have run out of ideas.
Old screenplays are being recycled with new actors and new locations.
According to the wise King Solomon, "there is nothing new under the sun".
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