
Shut up and Sing

Shut up and SingI'm not a country music fan (crossovers notwithstanding), nor was I a Dixie Chicks fan before this, but I still wanted to see this film. I didn't pay attention to "the big controversy*" when it was going on and really didn't hear much about it until the end of last year when their song ("Not Ready to Make Nice") started getting heavy play on the radio (again, difficult not to consider the crossovers when they get such airplay). And how great it was, (having watched this), knowing that since this was released, they've won 3 grammy awards for one of the songs (and the album) this all inspired. ("Not Ready to Make Nice" *)

Every US citizen has a right to express their opinion, unless apparently, you're one of the Dixie Chicks. And I guess freedom of speech comes with a price. But if that price is 3 grammy's, hey, why not. Considering how the famous and the infamous do, and say things far worse than Natalie Maine's single inciting comment, I still don't quite understand what the big deal was. I guess this really illustrates what lemmings some people are, being so willing to jump on the ignorant bandwagon without really understanding the situation. This is worth seeing if for no other reason than to see their P.O.V., and consider perhaps, educating yourself before being so willing to jump behind a cause you're told to believe in and accept.

Anything can be taken out of context, made into a cause, and inflated to monumental proportions. Stupid or not.

These three talented women have gained not only my respect, but also another fan. I admire the way they stuck together throughout the ordeal, and continue to do so and remain friends. I especially enjoyed the behind the scenes aspect of it all and will be watching this again. I even enjoyed the music. I'm drawn to harmonizing voices, what can I say.

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Blogger Simply Bananas said...

I can't wait to see that movie

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey nice blog, nice comment on "Just Like Heaven" film , I think I'm gonna watch it...


5:51 AM  

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