
Employee of the Month

Employee of the MonthThe perfect bad day. Wow. And I thought I had some doozy's. It may not be the best movie Matt Dillon has ever made, but it's not all that bad either. Weird, definitely. And a little slow in the beginning. But it has the occasional laugh out loud (actually funny) moment, and a great ending. Maybe you saw it coming but I sure didn't. Never saw any previews for this movie. In a way, I can see why. But still, considering what else there is out there these days, this one is worth checking out. Not a bad way to pass some time.



Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind "[...] not happy, wants to move on, we provide that possibility"... Wow. I could use this service, though, intentional "brain damage" doesn't sound like fun. But who doesn't have some upsetting emotional baggage they'd like to erase and never have to agonize about again? (you? lucky you if so) This was quite a ride. Memories collide and blend (literally, and it was pretty neat) and we can see the beginning and end and then (strangely) the continuation of a relationship between two dysfunctional people (and who isn't somewhat dysfunctional?). I liked this movie. And I like Jim Carey in this. He's probably underrated as a serious actor, but in the right role, he can be great. Another movie that makes you think. Nothing wrong with that. Kind of makes you appreciate the love you have in your life, should you be so fortunate, despite the bad that hopefully goes along with what's right, and good.
