
Do Penguins Have Knees? By David Feldman

Do Penguins Have Knees? By David Feldman
This is one book from a series from this author. Great way to keep that "useless information" file we all have in our heads overflowing with new tidbits. I like these kinds of books because they answer some of the questions that there are no easy answers to (like the cover they? have to read the book!). Great for some light yet informational reading (and inbetween those other books that stay in your head after you've finished them).


Bridget Jones's Diary

Bridget Jones's Diary, by Helen FieldingJust finished reading Bridget Jones's Diary and am starting the next installment The Edge of Reason. Loved this book. Have to watch the movie now (again). This is something that happens when the movie is already out and I'm not quite ready to give up the story even though I've finished the book. Luckily there is a movie (seeing it made me want to read the book in the first place). The next Bridget Jones movie isn't out until sometime next year (oh no!).

For now I've adopted a sort of Bridget-speak in my head. Sort of a Brit shorthand, like the diary entries. (must shag...ha, I wish; cigarettes, too many, vb, alcohol units 0, vg, sleep, 0, must sleep!)

I hope this second book is as good as the first. The first had some actual laugh-out-loud moments and for me that's rare. The only thing I didn't like was the quick end. All the workup to reach this specific goal (boyfriend! hah!) and it's just kind of quickly stated and that's that. Awww. Don't like that it had to end either but "all good things"...well, you know the saying.

Update: Bridget Jones, The Edge of Reason (movie) Nov. 19th release! (USA)
Cool! You can see some (pictures & diary entry) scenes (this means spoilers, so beware!) from the movie here.



I'm currently reading Bridget Jones's Diary, and figured now is as good a time as any to include my review of the movie on the movies page. Also adeed The Hunted. Interesting tracking scenes in that one.


The Stepford Wives

The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin This was a quick read. I expected it to be different from the movie but not as much as it ended up being. I've read a lot of praise about Ira Levin's writing style but it's not so easily appreciated for the average reader imo. Perhaps I need to read something else he's written. I'm thinking about it. It's very cut & dried. And the end of this version (there are more than one, hard to choose the definitive one if the page totals vary per version) just kind of....ended. Don't get me wrong, you know what happens, just not how. And I like knowing how. So this left me wanting more explanation. Maybe that wasn't this authors intent. No specifics, just "here it is." So... there it was, and it was quick and decent.