
The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow I just like Earth-related disaster movies. There was so much about this one that really just screams, "Yeah Right!" but really, don't you watch movies to be entertained? I do. I want to escape my reality for a while. And this is one of those movies that takes you away. It has some great effects. Always easier to believe the unbelievable when the effects make it possible to even try. Made me wonder too, should something like that ever happen, would our "neighbors to the South" actually allow us safe haven within their borders? All things considered, I hope we never have to find out. I love the ocean, and ocean movies, and although this isn't your typical sea-view type of movie, it was interesting, and, I definitely plan to see it again.

One side note... I wasn't too impressed with Jake Gyllenhal in this. A rather understated performance in my opinion. He seemed far too apathetic regarding the major weather phenomenon going on around him. Probably all blue screen stuff and if so, it really showed.
