
The Good Guy by Dean Koontz

I've been a DK fan forever, he and Stephen King are my favorite authors. Their writing styles have run a parallel course at times over the years and I've always found it interesting that they have that in common. I also wonder, still, if they ever confer with each other, or even know each other.

Maybe just wishful thinking on my part. They would make a great collaboration in my opinion. It hasn't happened yet but I'll keep hoping.

So, The Good Guy.... this was a straight forward mystery. A bit slow to start but once it hooked me, I was in 'till the end. I thought it was worth the time and it gave me exactly what I wanted-- a good story and something entertaining to distract me from my day.

There's only been one DK book that I started and just couldn't get through it, and I still can't. That would be Tick Tock*, just couldn't get into it, and that still bugs me. I haven't given the Odd* books a read yet, I wonder about those. I'll get to them someday.

I loved the (story and) humor in Life Expectancy* and Velocity*, two more recent DK reads. My all time favorite book of his is Lightning. I've read it at least 5x over the years. It's my second favorite after Stephen King's The Stand. And these days, I tend to favor (DK and SK's) more supernatural stories rather than their gory ones. With one recent exception: I just had to read Cell*. Hey, it could happen, don't you think? Great read.

Nice to give the boob tube a break and get lost in a good book on occasion. I usually read during break times at work, but a really great one keeps me reading all weekend. Doesn't happen as often these days as it used to (older = less entertainable? hope not!) but it's fun when it does.

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