
Jerry Maguire

Jerry MaguireBy no means new...(this is from 1996, right?)....but it still gets to me. I love emotional, tug the heart strings, makes you laugh while you cry, all while going through some trying times to end up at a sweet and sappy but oh-so-wonderful-ending type of movie. Even 9 years past its premiere, it's still a great movie.

And I am not a sports fan... and sometimes, not a Tom Cruise fan either. (It depends on the movie, Top Gun? Definitely. Collateral? Ehhhh, not so much. It depends on the latest publicity stunt too. Currently? Ughh! But that's another matter.) He's good in this. As are his co-stars. (Jonathan Lipnicki? Oh what a cutie, he makes the movie! And Renee Zellweger, Cuba Gooding Jr., and on and on...great cast.)

Yep, this was on TV recently, and I could've sworn I had the VHS (yes, remember those? heh) but perhaps a nice shiney new DVD is waiting out there for me (and soon). Nothing like a commercial-infused reminder of why it's so much better to watch your favorite movies without the annoying interruptions.



CatwomanI know the critics hated this but I thought it was fun. Wishy-washy mousy woman turn not-gonna-take-it-anymore badass (out for a little revenge). Definitely fun. Sure it's silly, but take it into context. It's based on a comic book character. It's Halle Berry in a cat suit. It's (sort of) good over evil. Good should win, shouldn't it? It's someone who was weak, no longer a doormat and finally standing up for herself. Considering what it is, it's pretty decent. I only wish they didn't speed up some (action/fight) scenes. That lessened the impact of the effects (or perhaps, saved them from being too ridiculous). Not one of the best, but no where near the worst.