Dead Like Me

I really like this series. It's a well written (well acted) show about the lighter side of death. Or "life after life." Is there an afterlife? For these reapers, there is. They become cosmic temps, taking souls (those who's time has come) until they too can move on....eventually (or so they hope). Somehow, they manage to make this more funny than morbid. Though the concept seems pretty depressing, it's both sad at times, and incredibly amusing. That's a great combination to me. Laughter thru misty eyes. Kind of makes you appreciate those in your life that are important. And serves as a not-so-subtle reminder not to take them for granted. So far, only 2 seasons have been made (and only one of those available on dvd to date) and no word as of yet about a 3rd season. (I hope they make a 3rd season!)