
Two underrated movies

Copycat If you like suspense, mystery, a good story, and for the most part, good acting, then these two movies are a good choice. What I like about Copycat (besides Sigourney Weaver) is how it seems to come full circle. It feels complete to me. It starts at the beginning, doesn't backtrack with flashbacks or start in the middle and leave you wondering what's going on. You're able to follow along and not get distracted by unnecessary gore (sure there is some, but not much). It's a psychological thriller, and I like that much better than the slash and dash type of movies. It makes you think and allows you to try and figure out what the outcome will be. Sure, you expect the star to live, but it's not always a given. The ending kind of hints at a sequel but as far as I know, there isn't one. If they can make one as good as the first, I think it would do well (at least those who enjoyed this one, might see the second). It's rather interesting to see Harry Connick Jr. play a serial killer. He's pretty creepy.

Trapped, while not the best example of acting by Kevin BaconTrapped, it proves to be the opposite for Charlize Theron. A kidnapping for ransom that has a bit more going on. Once again I am very impressed with young actress Dakota Fanning. There are some suspenseful and clever moments and a few ridiculous ones. But the emotion is what does it for me. A not so typical family responding to a terrible situation in a less than typical way. They don't just take it even though the circumstances require their submission to the events taking place. Sure, there's a happy ending, and I like those, but for a while you're not really sure if that's how it's going to work out. Some mystery. Some time to wonder and worry. I like that too.

These were on tv this weekend and I couldn't help but watch them both, twice. I just like good drama even if what I really need at the moment is a good comedy. Somehow, Ace Ventura, which was also on this weekend, just doesn't do it for me.


View from the Top

View from the TopI liked this movie. But was disappointed by some aspects of it. Was it meant to be an amusing nudge at airline attendants and how the average person perceives them? Or a romantic comedy that pits a woman's career and life ambitions against her heart?

It tried to be both. Mike Myers' character, to me, brought the film down to spoof level. While Candice Bergen's character added heart and hope and a little bit of quirkiness. They really should've made up their minds before setting out to film this one.

Despite some ridiculous events (like Christina Applegate's character fighting with Gwyneth Paltrow's character, right there in the first class cabin, when she had no business being there and especially these days, she couldn't have made back there considering the circumstances....totally ridiculous) there were some good aspects to this movie. The cameos for instance. Rob Lowe, Kelly Preston, short but notable.

The romantic part of the story was sweet. And there's a nice little twist at the end. Not a believable one mind you, but still, it made for a good ending. And I like happy endings. So all in all, this was pretty good (decent story, amusing events, nice ending). I'd see it again.

Little Black Book

Little Black BookAnd I thought I was paranoid. Some things are probably better left alone. This movie takes irrational suspicion to extremes. Considering the premise, it works. It's funny, strange, a little sad. Might make some neurotics feel normal. Loved the Carly Simon themed music. And absolutely loved the very end (the parts leading up to the end were a bit corny) but the ending itself? Excellent. Trust is a major issue for many couples. You toss your heart into the ring and hope it doesn't get trampled. Luckily, most of us don't go through such a public drama to find out what we should've already known.

I wouldn't recommend doing the little-black-book thing, but I would recommend this movie. Good for a few laughs, maybe a tear or two, some insight, and an appreciation for an artist too long out of the limelight.


Mott's Healthy Harvest

Something a little different. I haven't done any food reviews but it seemed like something I had to mention. I tried these Mott's Healthy Harvest peach medley apple sauce snacks.

Now, these unsweetened varieties are a little difficult to get used to if you're more used to the sweetened varieties, or even the sweetness of a fresh apple (not counting the granny smiths or other sour varieties). Unsweetened applesauce is very tart. It has to be somewhat acidic because the absorbic acid (vitamin C) is basically the only preservative and without the added sugar, you can't miss it) This one is tart, somewhat peachy. But most notable... is the aftertaste.

This is the first time (in my experience anyway) that a food's aftertaste was much better and more pleasant than the taste of the actual food. Found it downright amusing too. But that's how it is with this stuff. At least for a little while after it's consumed.

As a snack, it was pretty good (a nice variation from the plain unsweetened). And I plan to buy it again. Something to alternate with the yogurts in the lunchbag.


Alien Quadrilogy

Alien QuadrilogyExcellent. Hours and hours of suspenseful entertainment. And that's just the movies (original release & director's cut). There are hours of behind the scenes features and cast interviews. In a way, they take away a bit of the fear the alien inspires. When you see how they do what they do, it's much less creepy, and still, pretty amazing.

I'm really squeamish these days, but for some reason, I still like this series. Maybe because there is less gore (though still some) and more that leads up to the implication of it.

My favorite is Aliens (Alien 2). I just like the Ripley and Newt interaction. Mom protecting her new young. How sweet. (then you see #3...oh no!)

I know "it's just a movie" but after watching these movies back to back to back to back (we had an Alien marathon, it was great!), what struck me most was how "the company" and these "aliens" just ruined this woman's life. And afterlife... so to speak. I wouldn't want some company to have that kind of power over anyone. (but do they anyway to a lesser degree? hmm...)

As for entertainment, if you like Alien (1-4), and you like director's cuts, commentary, behind the scenes "how they did that" and "who did it," plus additional goodies like story boards, photos, and whatever easter eggs are present and yet unfound (by me anyway), you just might like this 9 dvd set. A lot.

One minor but important detail... the packaging. Though sleek and quite compact, it isn't the most secure. So be careful when you first open it. Accordion folds and loosely glued plastic holders make it very easy to drop one.


The Stepford Wives

The Stepford WivesBoy. This was really weird. A remake, of course. I've never seen the original. Maybe it's worth checking out, if for no other reason, than to see if the acting (and version of this story) was better. The performances in this movie were very stiff (sure, I know, at times it should be this way, considering the storyline, but I mean everyone was a bit stiff), and strange.

It could've been really funny but unfortunately, it kind of misses the mark, and often, with lots of long pauses that I assume, are meant for laughter, but eh, those moments weren't so funny to me. Could've also been a little more scary. I found myself wondering why they explained some things and left other things just out there (apparently, I missed something). The whole movie is a bit disappointing considering the cast, though I did like Bette Midler and Christopher Walken in this.

I can't recall seeing many commercials promoting this movie. Those available online didn't quite capture what the movie was about (tended to be misleading, which I guess isn't new). I guess this is ok to see because the idea of it is kind of unreal, and unrealistic, except for those living in the stone ages. There's also a nice twist at the end, and a few good laughs. Providing you can make it that far. I did, twice. And just for kicks I read the book in the hopes that it would fill in some of those blanks. It's just a shame that it didn't.